The kids however found the perfect tree for their room! They are very excited to make their Christmas tree decorations.
"with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations" Psalm 89:1
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
I've always wanted to cut down our own Christmas tree. And this year I finally got to do it. Our good friends invited us to a little treasure way in "the county" for the ultimate tree cutting expedition. When I got out of the truck I was overwhelmed with the smell of trees...Christmas trees! There was a nice layer of snow on the ground but the weather was perfect. We really had to hunt for our tree. Not that there were not a lot to choose from or the selection was bad, but we had to trek into the woods. A few times I thought we even got lost. But after hours of hunting we found the tree. After we loaded the trees up we headed back to pay at" Santa's Tree Hill" and they served us hot chocolate and cider. It was dark by the time we headed home, but we had so much fun and we will be making this our new tradition.
Here's Peter taking the kids deep into the woods in the search for the perfect tree. They didn't find it.
"Hey honey let's check over here" I did, and we didn't find it over there.

The kids however found the perfect tree for their room! They are very excited to make their Christmas tree decorations.
Taking a break from the tree hunting for a family picture....Mom and Dad look ok...check out Isaiah's face...and then of course check out Elijah! Will we ever get a normal family picture? (Sara help us)
And here she is. We were about to give up and just buy one they had down at the main house, but on the way back the boys and I spotted this. It was just right...big enough for me...and Peter compromised to make me happy! Thanks honey!
Peter cutting down the tree. I didn't even know we owned a saw let alone that he knew how to use one. But I am happy to report 10 fingers were under that tree and 10 came back out
The kids however found the perfect tree for their room! They are very excited to make their Christmas tree decorations.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
What we are thankful for:
Bethany- I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for my savior Jesus, who is so merciful towards me. For my husband who after 9 years is still in love with me despite all my shortcomings. My two amazing kids, I am overwhelmed on a daily basis that I was chosen to be their mom. My family, the most amazing loving parents, my brothers and sisters nieces and nephew and all my extended family. My friends, who are like family in so many ways to me. So thankful for our warm home, and full bellies. I am also thankful for the privilege to serve an awesome God.
Peter-I am thankful for my wife, my kids and Jesus!
Isaiah- I am thankful for my family because God has made them for me.
Elijah-I am thankful for God.
Typical boys....short and to the point!
What we are thankful for:
Bethany- I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for my savior Jesus, who is so merciful towards me. For my husband who after 9 years is still in love with me despite all my shortcomings. My two amazing kids, I am overwhelmed on a daily basis that I was chosen to be their mom. My family, the most amazing loving parents, my brothers and sisters nieces and nephew and all my extended family. My friends, who are like family in so many ways to me. So thankful for our warm home, and full bellies. I am also thankful for the privilege to serve an awesome God.
Peter-I am thankful for my wife, my kids and Jesus!
Isaiah- I am thankful for my family because God has made them for me.
Elijah-I am thankful for God.
Typical boys....short and to the point!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The "First" snowfall
We actually had snow flurries last Wednesday but it didn't accumulate so it didn't count. But today we had snow that accumulated and the kids were so excited. We tried some sledding but it wasn't up to our standards. So we walked all about and just enjoyed it! Then the boys insisted on hot coco which I am never opposed to! It is really beautiful out here. The woods are all covered in snow. This snow I love, it's just enough to cover everything but not too much that you are trapped in your house. I love this time of year!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
All I want for Christmas is.....sleep?
We have a few of those toy catalogs floating around our house, as I am sure you do. We have told the kids to mark 3 things they would really like for Christmas. Elijah has looked over these catalog a million times. He has carefully wrote his name next to a few items but he still has one more and just can't seem to narrow it down. He went up on our bed last night to watch some tv with catalog in hand. Isaiah came down and said he had fallen asleep. I couldn't resit taking his picture. He was so out and the catalog was laying right next to him. His little cheeks always get red when he's overly tired. He was also very excited yesterday afternoon when we got snow flurries. He said "Christmas and my birthday are when it snows"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You have to watch these videos....we studied bushbabies today in science. Elijah has been looking forward to this for a long time. He kept saying they were so cute when he peaked ahead in our Usborne Book of Knowledge. The first link is of two bushbabies eating an apple. Bushbabies are nocturnal so this video is a bit dark. When the boys saw one jump they shrieked with excitement. The are amazing jumpers, fast. If you blink you might miss it.
The next video is wild....when we first watched it Elijah screamed in fear. He didn't like it. I think the cuteness factor wore off and he hid his eyes for all the other bushbaby videos we watched. Enjoy!
The next video is wild....when we first watched it Elijah screamed in fear. He didn't like it. I think the cuteness factor wore off and he hid his eyes for all the other bushbaby videos we watched. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We are continuing our study through the medieval ages. We wrapped up studying castles and now we have moved on to knights. Yesterday I let the kids wear their knight costumes we bought at Walmart for 75% off...they were 3.00 a piece. Once they put them on they didn't want to take them off and even wore the to the post office. ( I wonder what the locals thought of us) Today we studied about the ceremony of becoming a knight. The boys made their own swords to remind them each knight had their own special sword. Tomorrow they will make their own coat of arms and learn about knights participating in tournaments. Maybe we'll do one of our own...although we don't have horses.
Monday, November 17, 2008

1. I really hate being woken up. I am grumpy and don't like to talk to anyone. I like waking up on my own, unfortunately that doesn't always happen.
2. I am planning a costume party for Elijah's 5th birthday and I am going as a banana.
3. I live with my best friends!
4. Having baby number 3 (or 4 for that matter) is not longer something I am fearful of.
5. I have issues with keeping my clothes organized and putting them away, they usually end up in a pile on my bedroom's very embarrassing.
6. Homeschooling my kids has been an unexpected joy in my life. I knew we would homeschool but I didn't realize what a blessing it would be to me personally and how it would strengthen my relationship with the Lord. It's amazing.
7. I am looking forward to the first snowfall!
So now I am tagging some people...Stephanie ,Sara, Tab, Alyene (her's is private) That's all the people I know who have a blog and I don't want to tag random people.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Many Faces of Elijah
Elijah is such a little character. He reminds me a lot of me. He is silly,fun, extremely sensitive, and full of energy. I took some pictures of him yesterday with Felicia's camera (so much better than mine) Just wanted to share some of the many faces of Elijah.

Elijah snuggling with his "best friend" brother Isaiah.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cute Boys!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Field Trip to the Fire Station
We had a great field trip to the fire station yesterday too. My kids were so excited about this. They talked about it all week. And the firemen did not disappoint. They took the kids on a complete tour of the station. They showed them the equipment, the trucks, and answered lots of questions.
Here's the entire group.
Opening a Bank Account
Yesterday I brought the boys to Bangor Savings Bank to open their very own savings account. They brought their own money they had earned to deposit. The bank has a great program for kids. To open a savings account they need just one dollar. The bank then matches that dollar when they open an account. Then every year on their birthday the bank gives them a "birthday buck". There are options to convert over to a CD. Isaiah had to sign his own name to the paper work, he felt very important. After the accounts were open they got an account book and also a cute little piggy bank.
Isaiah with his eyes shut (this seems to be a regular thing now with pictures) and Elijah all smiled with the new account specialist.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
2008 Election Predictions
Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election:
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people
.8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you
.10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
(and God approves this message!)
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people
.8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you
.10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
(and God approves this message!)
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Civics Lesson Homeschool Style
What better way to teach about the right to vote than to take your kids to the polls to vote with you. Over the past few weeks we've studied the election process and this morning it was a great experience to take them with me to vote.
This election has been extremely hot. The kids have noticed all the ads on tv, listened in on conversations and I think they have grasped how important it is to vote! It has also been a time to reflect with them that God is ultimately in charge. And that at the end of the day Jesus is still King and we are still hidden in Him.
Here are the boys in front of the Topsfield town office. Our polls did not open until 10am!
Here they boys are receiving my official ballot. The people running the polling were so nice and really helped me make this a great learning experience for the kids!
I Love this picture. There were 3 different voting booths but this one the boys decided was the most special because it had a curtain. I hope that this picture will serve as reminder to them when they are older how important it is for them to stand up and be counted

Isaiah had the honor of putting the ballot in the box. (no machines here in the sticks) Afterwards we each received the coveted "I voted today" sticker! Just before we left the ladies offered the boys a homemade cookie. I am falling in love with small town charm!
Here we are with our stickers and smiling!
This election has been extremely hot. The kids have noticed all the ads on tv, listened in on conversations and I think they have grasped how important it is to vote! It has also been a time to reflect with them that God is ultimately in charge. And that at the end of the day Jesus is still King and we are still hidden in Him.
Isaiah had the honor of putting the ballot in the box. (no machines here in the sticks) Afterwards we each received the coveted "I voted today" sticker! Just before we left the ladies offered the boys a homemade cookie. I am falling in love with small town charm!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fall Family Fun Day
So we decided awhile back (by we I mean , Jesus, Amy and I and the hubby's got on board when they realized Amy and I would be doing the work LOL) that we should have a day that would be fun for the whole family. A day that we would set aside to reach out to our community and share what God has done for us. So yesterday was that day. It was so much fun. Food, friends, fellowship, good times. Only a few people from this area came out but it was well worth it all. God really showed Himself to Amy and I during the whole planning of this. Here are some fun pics from yesterday.(My camera is on it's last leg. I can't wait to get a new one)
***Special Thanks to Chuck and Joy for all their help, providing hay and the tractor, to The Mathews for lending their trailer, to McDonald's for donating the drinks, cooler and cups. And to everyone who came out for the fun******
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