Another week down...we can SMELL summer...literally! We are getting close to wrapping up official school. But there's still so much more learn! Good thing we are not bound by a school calender. We have a super awesome summer planned, including a HUGE vacation back to MAINE! But the learning goes on and on.

We finished our section on circuits in our electricity unit. Here the boys are testing to see if salt water has electrolytes and can conduct
electricity...and YES it can.

What about sugar water? YEP What about milk? YEP

This was fun! Put a wooden yard stick on a spoon, takes some practice to balance it on there. Then "charge" you
balloon with your hair. Hover the
balloon over the yardstick and move it to the left or right. The yardstick will start to move. The boys had it going pretty good...around and around it went.
Friday was the boys last art class of the year. I can't tell you what a blessing their art teacher Brenda has been.She is amazingly talented and very gifted with children. The boys have had so much fun and learned so much. All of their amazing art speaks of that. I can't believe how many treasures we have from this year.
So Thursday night the art students were part of an art show at the local library. The kids each chose one piece to be submitted (that was hard) Then family and friends were invited to have snacks and view all of the art. It was HUGE hit, so much so that the library invited the children's artwork to remain up through next weeks adult art show. It was really amazing. We were so proud of all the work.

The reflection isn't great but here is Elijah's snowman picture he submitted. I had the art professionally matted and then we bought special frames to display.

Here is Isaiah's owl. I love the brown mat in the black frame, it looked sharp.

Here is a display of all the artists holding their most recent work.

The kids were all smiles at the show.

The boys and their art teacher Brenda. We love her!

All of us!