Summer has been a whirlwind it really almost over? I have found I have been too busy being part of the fun to take too many pictures...but I have managed to take just a few. School is creeping up on us, so I am sure with more routine I will have more time to take pictures and blog. But I must say it's been a blast!

The boys and their neighborhood friends at the Birch Bay Water Park. They had a BLAST!


The North West Washington Fair is A BIG deal here. We've been to 'fairs' in Maine but this fair is like nothing we've ever seen. Rides, food, animals, concerts, vendors....all on a massive scale. The boys entered a
lego building contest with their friend. They got a second place ribbon. They were very proud of themselves.

Sweet Hannah LOVES cows. Well from a distance we have learned. She was so excited to see the cows but had no interest in getting to close. But after I saw this picture can you blame her, look at that cow. It looks like it's hungry for some Hannah.

But from far away she really did enjoy them. "OH COW!" she kept saying.

I like the cow, behind a fence, and on my own terms.

See my new sparkle shoes!

I know I might be biased but I just think she gets cuter and cuter....I can't believe she's almost 2!

BIG wheel!

Friends always make the fair more fun. I had some sweet friends that we tagged team the day with. Big kids on big rides, little kids on little rides. I didn't get one picture of Hannah on her 3 rides she could go on, but that's ok she had a blast.

WOO HOO! We'll see you at the fair NEXT year!