So Felicia and I planned a fun day at the beach today. But the weather just would not cooperate. So we did what any sensible girls do when defeated by rain...we shopped! The boys and I met up with Fle and Noah for a day of errands and lunch. It turned out to be a very good day and we had a great visit. The boys were really good despite the fact they "didn't get to do anything fun". I guess shopping has lost it's luster.
What a blessing it was to have the boys together. Fle and I never thought the day would come that we'd all be out together. Little Noah is just an amazing miracle kid. I was just so in awe to see him sitting in his big boy car seat with my boys of God's faithfulness. We have prayed for this little family for so long. We've cried out to the Lord for healing, for peace, for comfort and when I saw him smiling and giggling with my boys, I realized how the Lord has answered all our prayers and added blessing upon blessing, doing exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think.
Here are the boys! Elijah, Noah, and Isaiah. (note my boys new haircuts)

Who are these Fle and Noah people?... They seem really awesome!... hehehe :) Love ya pookie!
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