Saying goodbye to friends and family has been one of the hardest things I've had to do in my entire life. I have never been more than 4 hour drive from my parents. I feel bad that I took that for granted. I have complained with one good friend that we lived so far away and it just wasn't fair. Now a few hours in the car seems so trivial. I also wish I would have spent more time with my friend right up the road from me. I just assumed it would always be so.
But saying good bye to the faces is hard. Everyone keeps saying "we'll come and visit" and "good thing we have the phone and facebook" and while I know these are said with all the warmest sentiments I'd rather have them right down the road. It won't be the same and I am preparing myself for that.
The other day I was in prayer telling the Lord "you must think I am so strong to throw all this at me. I am having another baby, my husband lost his job, we're moving across the country, I am saying goodbye to my family, to friends, all seems to be a lot" I was surprised at the answer I got. "I know you're not strong, but in your weakness I am strong" I starting to realize it isn't about me. It isn't about how hard it is for me, how sad I am , how anxious I am. It is about Him. It is about His plan. It is about Him showing Himself to me, to Peter, to the boys in a new way.
Then I starting to realize in the midst of everything I think has gone "wrong", so many things have gone right. The Lord never promised that this life would be easy. But He did promise He would never leave us. I have many things to praise the Lord for. First that I have such a wonderful family and great friends that have impacted my life in such a wonderful way. I have loved much and some people never experience that in their lives. I have a two beautiful, healthy children and another on the way. I have a husband who loves me and the children. God has provided a wonderful job in a time where jobs, any job is hard to come by. He is provided above and beyond for us in this move. Almost as if to say "I know it's hard and I am going to make all the details fall right into place" So many doors have been open with amazing blessings behind them.
I am not saying I am a super spiritual giant now and I am all smiles and giggles as we stay our first night in a hotel. I am still very broken hearted. I am still so sad. But I can still praise the Lord with a broken heart. I still praise the Lord through my tears. It's not a feeling, it is a choice. And I choose to give Him glory because glory is due.
I can't wait to share with everyone all the great things God shows us on our trip and as we settle in in Washington.
To our friends and family, you are with us in our hearts and in our prayers and we take you with us.

Here's the HUGE truck pulling up to our house.

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