So how fun that the 2010 Winter Olympics are just across our border in Vancouver? Lot's of buzz and excitement. The boys are very interested in the games for that reason and they have a Wii winter Olympic game.
We are so blessed to be part of a great group of homeschoolers. We meet for gym class every Friday. There are about 25 kids. The mom's are dedicated and so creative. So this gym class we did the Winter Olympic Games...indoors but totally cool. They tried the skeleton, curling, cross country skiing, ski jump, and snowboarding. Check out the awesome pics and the video of the parade of nations at the bottom. Next week more events and the closing ceremony with medals.

Right up the street there is a little museum with lots of Olympic memorabilia. It was so fun to check out the pictures and of course to buy some souvenirs.

Isaiah and Elijah both wanted to represent the USA. Other kids choose other countries like Greece, Brazil, and Sweden. They were asked to bring in flags, wear country colors and also bring a mascot.

Here is the Parade of Nations at our opening ceremony.

My dear sweet Hannah is all worn out and fell asleep. She was such a good baby. She laughed and cheered until she was all cheered out.

Elijah sharing why he chose the USA and about his mascot a black lab.

Isaiah doing the same but his mascot was a brown bear.

The whole crew!!

The torch rely of course. Go Elijah go!

Bring it home Isaiah!

New Friends good times!

Elijah trying the skeleton!

Isaiah trying out the cross country skies...not as easy as it looked!

Thumbs up before trying "snowboarding"aka skateboarding

Elijah doing the ski jump!
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