For today...I can't believe how fast children grow when they belong to you. Hannah Bear is 6 months. 1/2 way to being a year old. Please slow down Baby Bear!
Outside my window...sunny and bright and beautiful, just they way I like it
I am thinking....and praying for my Gram. She fell down the stairs and broke her arm, had surgery and is still in the hospital. She's a strong lady but she's 93.
I am thankful for...Hannah's naptime
I am wearing...jeans I bought almost 4 weeks ago that are getting too big...prepregnancy size is next phew can you hear my treadmill?
I am going...Hannah's 6 month check up, Elijah 6 year check up and Saturday I am going to a women's day with church.
I am reading...Mark, Breaking Free by Beth Moore and Peter and I reading the "Love Dare"
On my much there's not much space left in there.
From the Learning rooms...finally finished the American Revolution! Also finishing God's Design for "our planet Earth"
Pondering these words...."return to your first Love" or "Let ME be your obsession"
From the kitchen....I am smelling banana bread YUM
Around the house...laundry laundry laundry why do you torture me so?
One of my favorite things...airplanes...I know I know I am afraid of flying but they help bring people to visit ME =)
From my photo journal: Hannah Bear is 6 months! Please note the hair...I think I may have a little Blondie girl after all!!

To cute!
This picture is priceless! Very cute!
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