Could it be true? Could Hannah actually be a year old already? Phew it's not just yet, I still have 4 days (and I am hanging on to them). But we did celebrate with friends today. I decided since Hannah is our first little girl her first party would be
PINK. And since her nickname is "bear" I thought there should be bears. So what follows is Hannah's first birthday party.
Ode to Hannah. I collected cheap frames all summer. I spray painted them this fun pink color and put a photo of Hannah for each month. It was so fun to watch Hannah grow through the pictures. The vases were cheap finds from a local thrift store. I think they were green and gold. But I spray painted those and added a tissue paper pom pom. Super cute and fun!

These cupcakes were so adorable. Of course the frosting was pink with pink sugar sprinkled on top.

Party hats are a must. I got all the party supplies from a
pdf file I bought from
Etsy. She custom made them to be bears. Her
original design had a monkey. But our Hannah is no monkey.

Not the best picture but this was the cupcake table. We have some super great friends who are
gluten free. So in the middle on the pink stand (another spray paint transformation) I made glutton free cupcakes with
gluten free frosting.

FUN...that's all I have to say about these pom poms. Mine are not perfect. But you could make yours perfect.

Happy Birthday Hannah

I collected little bears all summer too. I made each bear a little tutu. They were so cute and all the little guest got to pick one out to take home. I bought Hannah a dozen pink roses because I every little girl should get roses. The chalkboards I made from old picture frames. I spray painted the frames white and then the glass with chalkboard spray paint. I wrote Hannah "favored grace" which is what her names means and then a fun # 1 on the other. Super easy and super cute.

goodie bags filled with teddy
grahams, gummy bears and mini
marshmallows. Aren't the tags just adorable?

The front door. A big H from Joann's....spraypainted...imagine that. Also a cute little tutu dressed bear holding a
balloon. And then I made a BIG chalkboard from a free photo frame. I am going to leave it there and change out the message. Today it was Happy 1st Birthday Hannah. Next week it might say "Fall in love with Jesus"

H is for Hannah

So cute. I think I have a new hobby.

Enough about the decorations lets get to the cuteness. Here's our Bear checking out one of the bears. She's wearing a cute little shirt that says "My first Birthday" and the cutest little hot pink skirt. Seriously I wanted to just squeeze her the whole time.

Hannah with the boys. This is our friend Jason. Hannah is usually pretty selective with her, dad, brothers, Melinda and the kids in the neighborhood are the only ones who make the cut. But for some reasons she choose Jason today. She just loved him and it was super sweet.

The pretty girls and their party hats.

Hannah and
CJ. That's his pacifier. She was very interested in it. She tried to give it to him then she decided to try it out for herself.
Present time. A new baby doll that can go in the tubby. She loves baby dolls and she loves taking a bath so I think this gift will be a big hit.

So many little friends to help open all the gifts.

Look I am gift myself. And that's is the truth.

I love my new babies.

I am not too sure about my party hat, but I like my tutu on my highchair.

I'm ONE!

Just out of reach but one birthday candle for the birthday girl.
Ok enough with the candle I want to eat it.

I love the pink frosting.

I'll just taste the whole cupcake.

It's pretty good. I think I'll have another?

A mouth full of frosting.

It's fun to explore.

Everyone is watching me.

I think cupcakes should be for breakfast.

Mommy and me.
Happy Birthday Hannah Bear! You did a great job Bethany.
So cute! Love the frosting in the mouth and all the pink! Great decoration ideas! Happy Birthday Hannah B.
Bethany, my sweet!!
Thank you for sharing!!
I LOVED your party!! Hannah looked stunning also! :)
You can link up your party on my monthly link party over at Bird Crafts on the First Monday of each month, and I do a showcase of my faves on the Sunday! :)
I hope to see you there?
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