Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our life take one, take two, take three

We had some family pics taken today for Christmas cards. We did get a couple that are in the running to make it on the card but these were too cute not to share. These pretty much sum up our lives. Peter and I have been married 11 years, 10 of those with child(ren). So we rarely have "us"time. And when we do sneak a moment it is that just a moment. We're working on that...there have been rumors for weeks we are going on a "date". So far a stolen kiss will have to do. =)
Ok kids smile for the camera while daddy and mommy kiss....
let's try
Ok forget it!


Snuffygirl5 said...

Oh these brought a smile! Sara has taught me the value of "us in real life" pictures vs. posed portraits! These will be such a treasure. I love you guys kissing in the background!

kelizzle/johnnyred said...

Great pics!