I am learning so much from them. The most important thing is that although you may have many friends, it's so important to open your heart to more. I am so thankful that these ladies have opened their lives to me. I may not have years of history with them, our children may not have known each other from "the womb", I didn't go to their wedding, share in in work in the ministry, we don't have tons of memories to laugh about but they love me just the same. I am learning so much about the importance of the friendships we have with our "sisters" in the Lord. It is a very precious gift to be treated with care and much prayer. (If you haven't read Beth Moore's book "So long insecurity you've been a bad friend to me" I highly recommend it for some brutal honesty about women and their friendships)
Now that being said, my heart still misses my sweet friends "back home" I am so blessed for the beautiful and amazing friendships I have with my "sisters" in Maine. Friendships that have stood the test of time, and distance. Friendships that pick up just where they left off. Friendships knitted together with prayer and love, and tears. I miss you sweet friends, more than you will ever know. You are always close in my heart.
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