10. She has the cutest little giggle and it's sometimes very mischievous.
9. She loves her spotted puppy. He is her BFF. He gets much love and is usually very dirty. She brings him to bed each night and snuggles him super close.
8. She loves chili, only the middle of the Oreo cookies (good thing they make double stuffed)and she loves to drink out of juice boxes (or maybe she just likes to play with the straws)
7. She insists on doing "work" when the boys are schooling. She has recently decided that a coloring book do not constitute a workbook and refuses to use them when the boys are working. So I need to get some old used workbooks for her. But I am pretty sure she will be smart enough to figure out they are used.
6. She loves to try to put off bedtime by asking if she can watch a "show" Her shows of choice are Strawberry Shortcake, Kipper, Blues Clues, Curious George and Toy Story"
5. She does not enjoy going to church. She cries when we pull into the parking lot. This is not any reflection of the awesome ladies in the nursery but rather her complete attachment to mom. She has just moved up to the 2-3 year old room so we're hoping that she might settle in and enjoy it.
4. She LOVES and I mean LOVES to dance. "Dance Dance Dance" she will order when she hears music. And I must say the girl has rhythm and some moves.
3.She loves her "Yay Yay" and "Jah" translation "Isaiah and Elijah" She loves any attention they give her and just loves when they wake up and come downstairs in the morning.
2. Her favorite time of the day is when Daddy comes home. She literally squeals in delight "My Daddy My Daddy." And runs,and wraps herself around him. It would melt anyone's heart and I am pretty sure Peter turns to mush every night.
1. She is loved by so many and she is above and beyond what we had ever imagined her to be.
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