So long've been good .
Isaiah: Turned 11 in Sept. His favorite subject is English and least favorite is Math. He continued to take guitar lessons and is getting pretty good. Isaiah started going to Jr.High youth group at church and has enjoyed making this big step. Isaiah was baptized on Father's day this year...he is growing not only in stature (he's catching up quick to mom) but also spiritually. There is that struggle between doing the things which he wants to do and doing the things he knows he ought not to do. There have been some good lessons, all pointing to that there is a realness to his faith. It's his own walk, his own battle and it's awesome!
Elijah: He's about to turn 8 but is still "pocket sized" to mom. He is super motivated to do school and is always first to get his books out and pencil in hand. He loves to learn and his has a hunger for knowledge. Elijah so faithful to request "Devotions" with dad. It's his favorite part of the day. He's been caught having his own time reading his bible. He has deep questions and a love for the word.
Hannah: She talks and talks and talks and talks. We have no idea where she gets that from =) Hannah knows what she likes and what she doesn't and now that she has the words to back it up, she is not bashful in telling you how it is. She still is in love with her little stuffed dalmatian puppy. She carries him everywhere,but most importantly she must take him to bed. She loves her family. She loves to dance. She finally loves going to church! She loves being Hannah!
Peter: I will brag about him since he so isn't into that =) He's been hard at work at BP, it will be coming on 3 years now! He's also stepped out in faith and doing some teachings at church focusing on prophecy. There is a new one coming up on January 26. He's also been teaching a great group on young boys on Wednesday nights. He's right at home teaching the Word, but maybe not so much at home doing in front of big groups. But it's pretty amazing to see God use him.
Bethany-As for me, my call is the same, to be a wife and a mom. We've had a good year so far in school and I am excited to get back after Christmas break. God has given me awesome ways to serve Him more, and to love people more. I am excited that He's not done with me yet, that there are so many ways that I have yet to be conformed to who He is, but the process is awesome.
Our family has been so blessed. He has been so faithful to us. We have only praise to give for the past year and excitement for what He has in store for us next year.
Someone gave us a name of the Lord that they will be praying over us this year...the name "Jehovah Jireh" the LORD will provide. At first I thought "this name doesn't fit us so well, He has already provided so much, what else could we need" Oh but then I realized how much in need we are of more of by day, breath by breath. So I'll take it! He will provide, for our deepest need, more of Him in our lives.
This is the last picture I took in's our little snow bear. She loves the snow. And I thought what better picture to end 2011 with. =)

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