So with the world shoving "Christmas" stuff down our
throats in October I seem to decorate later and later. We just put the tree up, has only lights right now and I am not motivated to take out every box and put out every decoration. I always get very envious this time of year of other peoples' houses and decorations. Some people just know how to decorate. I do not. I do my best. So I've put up a few things here and there (more there so Hannah can't reach) And I might add a little bit more, but for the most part what's up is it.
We are doing a Jesse Tree this year. I got a free
ebook from this
site You have to sign up for their email to get the link to the book but well worth it. There is a short devotional each day starting in the Beginning and leads through God's plan for us...the TRUE Christmas story. Then you make a little ornament representing the main thing for that day and hang it on a tree or glue it on a poster board. It's a really neat way to remember that God had planned Christmas morning before the foundation of the world and we should get MORE excited about what that means than any gift that would be under the tree.

A few of the ornaments on our tree.

I love this one. From Isaiah 11:1-2 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding The Spirit of counsel and of might the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD.

My sweet friend Jen from Maine made this for me awhile back. It's one of the kids favorite...because there is candy in each little pouch. After lunch they get to have
their treat for the day, everyday leading up to Christmas.

I LOVE snowmen. I know they have NOTHING to do with
CHRISTmas but they do go with winter. I add to my collection every year. I bought the guy in the middle this year. He's so adorable. I also got the little bird with the hat on to be his friend (because he wouldn't have any other snowmen friends right?)

And the chalkboards return...
We're decorating the tree tonight...the kids can't wait.
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