The Pellerin's 2010 year in review!
Peter and I celebrated 11 years!
We were in Maine on Oct 1 this year celebrating the wedding of my sister Christine. It was so awesome to be back "home".
Hannah had so many changes. The first year of life is so exciting because every day brings new changes. Hannah went from rolling over to running this past year. She's talking a lot! She can definitely make her will known. She loves her baby dolls, her little purse and her family.
Isaiah turned 10 this year! That just seems like a huge milestone! He has done so many new sports I think it's hard for him to say which is is favorite, golf, soccer, tennis, and basketball. He's grown SO much. He's up to my chin. It won't be long before I am looking up at him.
Elijah is still hysterical. He's always got a one liner to crack you up. Elijah lost 4 teeth this year! His two big front teeth are in and it just changes his whole look. He's growing up! Elijah loves taking art and guitar lessons every week. He is a very talented kid.
This past year I also lost my amazing Grandmother, I called her Gram. I still can't believe it will be one year in March. I miss her so much. I have caught myself many times wanting to call her, send a postcard, or just knowing she's always there. It's been an emotional time adjusting to her passing. I think it just speaks to how much she meant to me that life without her here is felt so greatly. I am so thankful for the sweet memories and love we shared for each other.
We've had ups and downs, laughs and tears, triumphs and defeats but it has been without qustion another year of God's goodness and blessings in our lives. It would be so wrong of me not to give Him glory for all things. He has been ever faithful to us. I can say with full confidence that 2011 will be another year of His provision, and steadfastness. So bring it on!
We were in Maine on Oct 1 this year celebrating the wedding of my sister Christine. It was so awesome to be back "home".

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