Making her blog debut:
Hannah Elizabeth
Born: Sept 22
8:31 pm
7lbs 8oz
20 inches long
Amazingly beautiful!
This will be short because well it was a very short L & D. I had a doctors appoinment on Tuesday at 10:00. She determined it was 6 cm and we discussed coming in later to have her break my water. I wanted to think about it so I left and would call later to let her know what we decided to do. I was torn. We prayed about it and sought advice and decided to go ahead and have her do it. The doctor broke my water at 6::1 5pm.
Contractions started on their own right away. I walked the halls and worked through each one. About 8:15 I was checked again and was 7-8 cm. I was a little discouraged only because I thought I would have made more progress and I was going through everything natural and things were really becoming painful. But just as I wanted to give up it was time. The nurses started scrambling to get things ready, bring in the table, changing the bed, calling for the doctor to come back. It was all happening very fast. At 8:31 Hannah Elizabeth was born. 7lbs 8 oz 20 inches long and perfect. So from start to finish it was a 2 hour 16 min labor,and worth every second of it.
We are so blessed and thankful for this gift from the Lord. He has been so faithful to our family and Hannah's arrival is another way He has proved Himself to us. I had prayed and yes begged Him to bless us with a baby girl and here she is. Hannah means "favored grace" and He has indeed shown grace upon grace.
So here are some pictures of the big event. Mind you I was not in control of the camera so I got what Peter took.

Literally seconds after I had her.

Peter said he has never seen me so happy. I kept going on and on about how thankful I was.

Getting all clean and wrapped up tight.

She wasn't too happy.

Most of the team, my doula took the picture so she's not in it. Left to right my awesome nurse, my amazing doctor, and the best husband in the world of course.

Super proud daddy. He is still is in shock he has a baby girl.

Look at my cute outfit I am going to wear to go home.

My amazing children and one happy mama.

He's finally a big brother, and loving every second of it.

Super big brother, and ready for the big job.

Hannah is not too sure about the car ride home.

Safe and sound at home.
1 Samuel 1:27For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition whichI asked of Him