Saturday, July 25, 2009

VBS 2 It all comes back to Jesus

Up the street from us a local church was putting on VBS, "the Boomerang Express". Peter works with a guy who is involved there and he had invited the boys to go. I wasn't sure at first because they had already done VBS at CC. But they begged to go, so how could a refuse another week of fun and learning about Jesus. They had a blast. One of the things they enjoyed the most was collecting coins for the"Agape House" in Bellingham. Each day the kids brought in a different coin, penny, nickel..etc. It was a little competition between the boys and the girls. The boys won and my boys were so excited. Just by collecting change the kids managed to collect over $400.

Joey the Kangaroo
Ice cream

Singing at the closing program. Elijah doesn't look to sure in this one. But he did a great job.

Isaiah is in this one, Sort of in the middle. with a yellow shirt on.

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