Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"I just love you so much"

Just a cute little story to share about Elijah. We pray with the kids, during our bible reading time, before meals, and throughout the day. We have really been able to watch the spiritual growth of our boys by how they talk to their Heavenly Father. Isaiah's have become much more personal, more full of praise and thanksgiving. Elijah (who just turned 4) would always say the same thing "Thank you Jesus for our food, thank you for making us, thank you for my brother, my mom and dad, Jesus' name amen" The other day he was praying and what he said just blessed Peter and I so much we couldn't contain our smiles. He prayed "Jesus thank you for making us...*long pause*.....I love you, Jesus, I just love you so much, Amen" It was the first time we heard him tell Jesus he loved Him. It was such a precious moment. It made me think of how much the Lord wants all his children to come with Him with such a simple prayer of love. And really when you think of all He has done for you, for me, what else can you say but "I love you,Jesus, I just love you so much"
Another cute story...this time from the lips of Isaiah. We were doing a writing assignment today in school. The purpose was to get him thinking of things to be thankful for. There were a series of questions to get him thinking. One question was "What is the nicest thing someone has done for you recently?" Isaiah wrote "When my mom and dad took us to the arcade to play games" The question that melted my heart was this "Who in your life are you thankful for?" and Isaiah wrote one name "God". I asked him why he wrote God and he said "well because without God I am not Isaiah" Now that's something for me to think about,my 7 year old has come to know that he is nothing without God, but with Him he is complete, how much more should I know that. Sometimes we can say it but our lives don't always reflect it. May our lives truly reflect His greatness!

Bethany <><

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