Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So Long 2008

Happy New Year from the Pellerin's

Ok so we're not fancy people. Our New Year's eve celebration was low key. The kids and I made 2009 cookies, hats, masks and pizza. The kids also wrote out 2008 reflection sheets. They filled in all their likes and dislikes of 2008, favorite movie,game, food etc. We then sealed them up in an envelope and tucked them in a box of Christmas decorations to be opened December 31 2009. The kids went to bed and Peter and I watched a movie. Welcome to 2009! As always I am expectant of awesome things God will do in our lives. He has a perfect track record!

they are shaped like 2009

wearing our 2009 masks...Peter gets HUGE points 1. for wearing it 2. for being in the picture.

Elijah and Bethany wearing the 2009 the background toys from Christmas that haven't found a home in their room yet.

Ok I know this looks gross, but it looked way cooler in person. 2009 in peperoni!

Elijah colored his mask so diligently. He's so cute.


Snuffygirl5 said...

Your celebration was way cooler than ours!

Legume said...

Peter in the 2009 mask cracks me up - what a sport. I love the idea to write down their reflections. I might steal it for next year.

We watched one of the worst movies ever - Speed Racer. Oh my, who that that was going to be a great one?