"with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations" Psalm 89:1
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Brother Where Art Thou?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hannah trying to crawl 8 months
Hannah has been working hard for a few months to crawl. She's getting closer, but not there yet. She's super flexible. Check out her split!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Up Up and Away
We had to go a long way for our most recent field trip. No I am just kidding. We went to the Lynden airport which happens to be right behind our new place. Our group met at our house and walked on over. It's a small airport, a few hangers and a mile long take off/landing strip. The gentlemen who showed us around we so nice to us and really gave the kids a fun and memorable time.
Welcoming the group to the airport and explaining the different types of planes the kids would see.
Mostly all the planes here were built by their pilots. Sort of like model airplanes for grown ups.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Mt Baker Theater
One of the benefits of moving to a place that you've never been before is being able to enjoy all the local attractions for the first time. One of those is the Mt.Baker Theater in Bellingham. A perk of being a homeschooler is being able to take some pretty awesome filed trips to these places in a more intimate setting. We got a very behind the scenes look at the Mt Baker Theater on Friday. I didn't know how the boys would like this field trip since they've never really shown an interest in theater. But to my pleasant surprise they loved it. They loved hearing the stories of they hay day of the theater and about what goes on today.
Beth and Bonnie our tour guides. They volunteer and know a lot about the theater.
Looks can be deceiving. This isn't wood. It's actually concrete that is painted like wood. It was done this way to resist fire and earthquakes.
All the furniture is original to the theater.The pieces were very elaborate.
All the name tags for the workers at the MBT.
We were there for a rare appearance of the original organ. It is stored beneath the stage. It was used during the silent picture era and the organist would play music and sound effects to go along with the picture. Ha that's a far cry from our Avatar like movies today.
The ceiling in the theater. You can actually walk around the purple section. Although Bonnie said they don't allow anyone to do that anymore back in the day it was an added attraction to the theater to take a walk around. Since it's suspended from the ceiling if you did take a walk it would sway.
This is inside the projector room. One of the things the boys got a kick out of is that there was a toilet and sink as soon as you walked in. It was there for a very important reason. The person running the projector would be locked in from the outside. They did this to ensure he never left the projector room. They would get very hot and sometimes catch on fire, so he would be there to put it out if that happened. You can't very well lock a man in a room without providing the proper facilities hence the toilet in the projector room.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day

But today I first celebrate my Mom.
Mom,because YOU are to me what Your Mom was to you. The one I want to call first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee. The one who loves to hear me brag on and on about my three kids. The one who understands when I just need to cry for what seems no reason at all. The one who would get on a plane and travel 3000 miles to be with me after I had my own daughter. The one who no matter how old I get, is the one who knows how to comfort me with stroking my hair and whispering "it's ok". Someone reminded me today when I mentioned how badly I wish I could be with you on mother's day..."Be thankful that you have that kind of relationship, because these days it's rare" I am so thankful. I am so blessed. I am so honored to call you mom. After Gram passed I thought "Let me be the daughter that my mom was to her" because you were such an amazing blessing to Gram. You loved her so much. You said it, you meant it, and you showed it. You have given me an example to follow. Mom I love you.
I next want to celebrate the three little ones that have made me a mom. I am far from the perfect mom. I could fill a blog with all my short comings. But I love my kids. I love being their mom. They have enriched my life with sticky fingers, big smiles, cuddles and kisses. First Isaiah who came as we celebrated our one year anniversary. We always say he was truly God's anniversary gift to us. After Isaiah I said "no more babies" I didn't think I could do it. But then I just knew it was time and so thankful for that change of heart because God gave us Elijah. He has been a joy from the moment we found out we were pregnant. Two amazing sons who have opened my eyes to the world of boys! After Elijah I said again "no more babies" and this time I meant it, or so I thought. But there was a tug on my heart for another...maybe even a girl. So after much prayer and begging, we were blessed to welcome our little daughter Hannah. God knew just the right time to give her to me. She has brought my heart so much comfort in this season of my life. I've learned my lesson and I am not saying "no more babies" so who knows.
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Birthday Peter!
Happy Birthday! We celebrated by doing what Peter loves to do. A nice long hike. The weather was beautiful and God's gift to Peter...NO BUGS. We had a blast. Then we went to the Olive Garden his favorite place to eat followed by chocolate cake with strawberries at home! 
Hannah and Dada...she LOVED the hike. She took it all in.
Hannah and Dada...she LOVED the hike. She took it all in.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Field Trip to Pioneer Park
Today we were taken back in time to the Pioneer Days of the Pacific Northwest. This was really exciting for us because we don't know too much about this area or it's rich history. The park is basically 11 log cabins that were built here in Whatcom County build by the Pioneers. They have all been carefully moved to this central location for us to enjoy. Check out this website for more awesome info. Pioneer Park
God was good to us...yet again with the weather. To the right of us the clouds looked dark and promising rain. But over Pioneer Park there were blue skies with beautiful white clouds with the promising sun.
The kids were taken into a few of the cabins with volunteers portraying those who lived back in the early 1900's. They were so nice to us and the kids learned so much.
God was good to us...yet again with the weather. To the right of us the clouds looked dark and promising rain. But over Pioneer Park there were blue skies with beautiful white clouds with the promising sun.
The kids were taken into a few of the cabins with volunteers portraying those who lived back in the early 1900's. They were so nice to us and the kids learned so much.
Monday, May 3, 2010
How fun? Butterflies! Elijah got a kit for his birthday and the kids had so much fun watching the process again. As Isaiah said "I could watch it over and over again" I could too. It's such an amazing process.
Isaiah wasn't into touching the butterfly last year but this year was a whole different story. He loved it!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Field Trip on the Bus and More!
Sometimes it's the simple things that end up being the best things. Yesterday our homeschool group took a field trip on the city bus. We got on in Lynden and rode into Bellingham. Once we got there we went bowling and then had lunch and ice cream at DQ. The kids had a blast.
The kids at the the Lynden Station waiting for the bus.
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