Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy 10 Year Birthday Isaiah

September 30 1999. Our little family, new mom and dad and baby Isaiah

10 years ago today I became a mom. But more importantly I became Isaiah's mom. Isaiah is our first born. I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that he is ten. Because honestly this picture feels like it was taken yesterday. The ten year mark is big. I remember turning ten and so excited to be in the two digits. I wish I could have him just stay right here at ten, but as fast as the past ten have gone I am certain the next ten will go by just as fast if not faster. Isaiah is a fantastic kid. I am honored and blessed to be his mom.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hannah's 1 year Pics

So my super sweet friend Sasha is pretty handy with many things and I've been noticing some pretty sweet pictures she takes over on her blog. So I asked her if she had a spare moment to capture Hannah while she's still one. Here are some of my favorites.

Cute little fingers!
Are you following me?

I have the cutest little face.

And I still have the cutest little feet.

Hmmmm I am not too sure about having my picture taken.

I can be very serious.

Maybe I'll take a quick swim.

Standing pretty.

I'm still Hannah Bear


I am so sweet.

Getting sweeter.

Getting ready to run.

My cupcake necklace.

Time to swing

Oh this is so much fun.

Here's my silly face.

Friday, September 24, 2010

From the Desks of Isaiah,Elijah,and Hannah

So here is a question...why is it when you are a kid your school week seems so long and when you are an adult it goes by so fast? That's how it is for me anyway. The kids seem to be on fast forward and I just want to hit pause. So another fun week at school. I am so proud of the boys for adapting to our schedule this year. It's not always the smoothest but they just go with the flow. Isaiah finished reading "Farmer Boy". I think he's very happy about it because he said "Phew it's about time what book do I get to read next"

Hannah had her one year check up. She's perfect. Her new stats are 21lbs 14.5 oz putting her in the 65 % for weight and she's 30 inches long putting her in the 80% for height. She's super healthy just the way we like.
Elijah is getting in so practice time. Playing "Brother John" So cute.

Which shoes provide the most friction? So we measured with a protractor the angle at which the shoe started to slip.

Hannah's little shoe did do too well. The winner was Isaiah's big winter LL Bean boot.

So the challenge was to move your pater who was standing on two boards. You were to move just the top board with one finger. Impossible because there is too much friction.
But add some wooden dowels or marbles to decrease the friction and you could move the top board with a pinkie finger.

Another FUN FRIDAY FIELD trip. Our group has a new name L.I.G.H.T. which stands for Learning in Godly Homes Together. So this week we went to a local dutch bakery...that's just trouble right there. I could gain 20 pounds just looking at all the baked goods.

The Lynden Dutch Bakery has been around for 100 years.
Our group being welcomed to the bakery with the promise of a treat at the end.

HUGE cookies....yum

A big oven for baking cookies, scones,muffins and pies.OH MY

Fresh baked pies.

The bread slicer.

Checking out some dough.

ALL SMILES with a sneaky look on Elijah's face.

Scones...where's my coffee?
And the promised treat. Hannah was so funny because she kept spitting out the mm's but loved the cookie. I had her in my carrier and she made a mess of us both.=)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah

Happy 1st Birthday to our Hannah Bear. She's a wee little shy at first, she's got a dash of sassy and a whole lot of cuteness.

This year has gone by so fast. And she has changed so much. It always amazes me how much they grow in that first year. They hit so many milestones. Her most recent was taking a couple of steps.

Words really can't describe how much joy she has brought us this year. Looking back from the day we found out we were expecting until now I can see the Lord's hand in it from the start. After we found out we were pregnant with Hannah it was only a few months later that we moved clear accross the country. I remember thinking "God I think you've got this wrong but I'm going to follow anyway" I remember when my Gram past away and thinking "God why now when I am so far from home?" Each time He used a big blue eyed little girl to remind me that He is good. That He gives good gifts. That He knows what is best for me. I've held her throughout the year thinking "God why would you give this beautiful girl to me?" Hannah means "favored grace" and it serves as a reminder that every good thing is only by His grace.

It's hard to remember what our family was like before Hannah. She has filled in a hole that was missing that we never knew existed. We are so thankful to have her and love her.

Monday, September 20, 2010

From the Desks of Isaiah,Elijah and Hannah

So this is the round up from last week's homeschool week. First off the boys started guitar lessons. They are taking them once a week for a 1/2 hour. Elijah was especially excited because he got a new guitar that is just his size. Isaiah already had one so he was anxious to get started again.

Who is that behind that warrior mask? That's Elijah.

Elijah finished up the "People's of the World Book" with his introduction to world cultures. He studied how different people celebrate. When you think Mexico and celebrations do you think pinatas? So we made our own. So messy but so worth it. You blow up a balloon and then cover it with newspaper soaked in glue and water mixture.

Keep adding and adding. I think we did about 7 layers. Then let it dry, this could take more than a day as we found out.

All decorated and ready to destroy.

Ready for the boys to hit.

Took about 5 wakes and down she went.

Enjoying the bounty!

They finished a chapter on gravity. We are so thankful to have a library system that is huge and easy to use. We found some great books to help in our study.

Well hello big blue eyed baby girl! You're almost officially one!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hannah Bear's 1st Birthday Party

Could it be true? Could Hannah actually be a year old already? Phew it's not just yet, I still have 4 days (and I am hanging on to them). But we did celebrate with friends today. I decided since Hannah is our first little girl her first party would be PINK. And since her nickname is "bear" I thought there should be bears. So what follows is Hannah's first birthday party. Ode to Hannah. I collected cheap frames all summer. I spray painted them this fun pink color and put a photo of Hannah for each month. It was so fun to watch Hannah grow through the pictures. The vases were cheap finds from a local thrift store. I think they were green and gold. But I spray painted those and added a tissue paper pom pom. Super cute and fun!

These cupcakes were so adorable. Of course the frosting was pink with pink sugar sprinkled on top.

Party hats are a must. I got all the party supplies from a pdf file I bought from Etsy. She custom made them to be bears. Her original design had a monkey. But our Hannah is no monkey.

Not the best picture but this was the cupcake table. We have some super great friends who are gluten free. So in the middle on the pink stand (another spray paint transformation) I made glutton free cupcakes with gluten free frosting.

FUN...that's all I have to say about these pom poms. Mine are not perfect. But you could make yours perfect.

Happy Birthday Hannah

I collected little bears all summer too. I made each bear a little tutu. They were so cute and all the little guest got to pick one out to take home. I bought Hannah a dozen pink roses because I every little girl should get roses. The chalkboards I made from old picture frames. I spray painted the frames white and then the glass with chalkboard spray paint. I wrote Hannah "favored grace" which is what her names means and then a fun # 1 on the other. Super easy and super cute.

Little goodie bags filled with teddy grahams, gummy bears and mini marshmallows. Aren't the tags just adorable?

The front door. A big H from Joann's....spraypainted...imagine that. Also a cute little tutu dressed bear holding a balloon. And then I made a BIG chalkboard from a free photo frame. I am going to leave it there and change out the message. Today it was Happy 1st Birthday Hannah. Next week it might say "Fall in love with Jesus"

H is for Hannah

So cute. I think I have a new hobby.

Enough about the decorations lets get to the cuteness. Here's our Bear checking out one of the bears. She's wearing a cute little shirt that says "My first Birthday" and the cutest little hot pink skirt. Seriously I wanted to just squeeze her the whole time.

Hannah with the boys. This is our friend Jason. Hannah is usually pretty selective with her, dad, brothers, Melinda and the kids in the neighborhood are the only ones who make the cut. But for some reasons she choose Jason today. She just loved him and it was super sweet.
The pretty girls and their party hats.

Hannah and CJ. That's his pacifier. She was very interested in it. She tried to give it to him then she decided to try it out for herself.

Present time. A new baby doll that can go in the tubby. She loves baby dolls and she loves taking a bath so I think this gift will be a big hit.

So many little friends to help open all the gifts.

Look I am gift myself. And that's is the truth.

I love my new babies.

I am not too sure about my party hat, but I like my tutu on my highchair.

I'm ONE!

Just out of reach but one birthday candle for the birthday girl.

Ok enough with the candle I want to eat it.

I love the pink frosting.

I'll just taste the whole cupcake.

It's pretty good. I think I'll have another?

A mouth full of frosting.

It's fun to explore.

Everyone is watching me.

I think cupcakes should be for breakfast.

Mommy and me.