A few days back our pastor asked us to share on Sunday morning our testimony of what God has done in our lives this past year. If any of you know my husband speaking in front of tons of people is
probably his least favorite thing to do in the whole world. For me, I don't mind speaking in front of 100 little kids but adults are a different story. And to be completely honest and raw with you all we both felt discouraged and defeated as of late.
So since writing behind a computer screen is so much easier than standing in front of a crowd of people....this is what I would have said.
Sometimes when I reflect on what God is doing in our lives I want to have something BIG. . I want stories of healing, a talking fiery bush, or maybe even a stroll on top of the water. Or I hear about God calling people to the
misson field or to some great ministry and I think "Wow I wish God would do a work like that in us" So thinking back over this past year I was looking for something HUGE to share with you to prove to you how BIG our God is. But instead what I found a track record of
faithfulness and small things. I was reminded of the story and the verse in Zechariah 4. The temple is being rebuilt and the foundation is being laid. It had a very small start, nothing in comparison to Solomons temple. But it was a work of the Lord nonetheless
Zech 4:9 "The hands of
Zerubbabel Have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it. Then you will know That the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see The plumb line in the hand of
Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the LORD, Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth."
I realized with God there are no
small things, because He sees the whole picture. Anything He is in is Big . So for my family and for me personally God has done lots of seemly"small things" that have added up to a great work.
When we lived in Maine we prayed to be closer to fellowship. The closest we ever got was about a 45min to an hour drive. And we thought every mile was worth the trip. But I do remember praying to move closer. We wanted to be knitted together as close as we could with other believers. But now in His will and His time He has moved us 3000 miles to
Lynden WA to be part to Calvary
Creekside and from our door step here to the church is 6 min. This year He answered that prayer of years ago.Now it
may not be how I thought He would have answered it but I am so grateful. His ways are not our ways.
For our family this time last year it was our first Christmas in Washington. We still felt like outsiders. I remembering praying "Lord just give me one close friend" And "bless my children with friendships of their own" It was so hard to watch my kids miss Maine and watch them try to adjust to their new surroundings. And He has answered exceedingly abundantly. We don't feel so alone anymore. Strangers have become friends and in turn those friends have become our family. Our families have shared sweet fellowship and God is knitting us together. So this Christmas felt more like home. Math 7:11 says If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him. Being part of a fellowship here is a good thing.
God has also allowed Peter and I to serve in the k-1 class. And this may be a really small thing to some but it is a constant reminder how personal the Lord is because He truly does give you the desire of your heart. We love being there with those children teaching them about Jesus. They bring such joy into our lives and it is humbling that the Lord would allow us to be a part in their lives to point them to Christ. It's amazing to me because I prayed for just one friend and He has filled our lives with a whole classroom full of little friends, again exceedingly abundantly above what could have asked.
My Grandmother passed away this year. I was very close to her and I still struggle not having her here. One of things I have struggled with for a long time is FEAR, specifically a fear of flying. I dreaded
every time Peter uttered the words "I need to fly for work" My stomach would be in knots convinced the plane was going down. And I would NEVER get on a plane. When we moved to Washington I realized I might have to face that fear. How else would I get back to see people? When my Grandmother passed away, it was time for God to deal with that fear. I needed to go home. I wanted to go. But the fear was so great it made me physically ill. A sweet friend of mine told me "You will need to pray that God either takes away your fear or that He walks you through it" Not only did I board the plane but I did so with my 5 month old Hannah, just us. I will tell you that when you truly experience the peace that surpasses our own understanding, you know where it's coming from. Because when I sat down in that seat, with tears still streaming down my face, it was an instant peace. I was totally at peace. The reason was because I let go and trusted His will. Whatever was to happen was His plan and it was awesome. I have flown back to Maine twice this past year. And that is so amazing to me. Deliverance from fear is FREEDOM.
For me personally this year has been met with peaks and valleys, answered prayer and waiting, deep sorrow, and incredible joy, victories and defeats, mercy and chastening, basically I am a work in progress. I am mindful of Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. I am also reminded to be thankful for days of the small things. All things both big and small are part of His plan.