Friday, May 23, 2008

Children's Museum Field trip

We took a field trip to the Children's Discovery Museum with a group of homeschoolers today. The boys had so much fun. They've been there many times before but they never fail to have a blast. Elijah said his favorite part was "the creatures, the lizard with the blue tongue was my favorite" We had what they call a "creature feature". A staff member brought in 3 creatures for our group to get up close and personal with. Elijah was not shy in touching each creature, Isaiah on the other hand was much more cautious. Isaiah's favorite said his favorite part "was looking at the lizards. I liked the one that spit out a blue tongue." That would be the blue tongue lizard. Mom's favorite part of the field trip was watching how excited the boys were to be there. The had such a wonderful time and that was worth it for me! Here's a little slide show of the highlights!

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