Friday, May 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home??

I can not believe we are finally here. We arrived in Bellingham around 2:30 our time, for my East Coast buddies that's 5:30 your time. Today's drive wasn't as long, but it was very overwhelming. My heart is in Maine and I don't know how long it will take to have this new place feel like home. I miss everyone so much. And seeing signs for Bellingham just made everyone seem so far.

For the next few weeks we are calling the Best Western our "home". We have a lot of properties we are interested in looking at so we'll be very busy this up coming week looking and praying about where to live.

The area that we've seen so far is ...well beautiful. It really is, even though somewhere deep down I wanted it to be so ugly that we would rush back home asap. I am excited to check out more of the are. Tonight we hit the's HUGE. We got a new cell phone, and hit Target (which is attached to the mall very convenient) Then we headed down to the water front. I almost forgot that we were looking at the Pacific Ocean until Peter mentioned it. WOW I never thought I'd see it.

I am clinging to promises the Lord has given me as we make this huge transition. I honestly don't know how people go through huge life changes without Him. He is constant, He never changes, He never leaves you, He is faithful, and I am learning in a HUGE way that He can be trusted.

Here are some pictures from today.

Mount Rainier the tallest mountain in Washington

Can't see it all that well but this sign says something like 14 miles to Bellingham

This is where we took our after dinner walk. This "bridge" is for walkers, runners, and bikers. It is absolutely amazing.

Anther shot

The boys...Elijah is DONE. He's super tired

The "bridge" Check out the mountains in the back, they are everywhere!

1 comment:

sarasusen said...

It looks so amazing out there! I am sl glad the Lord (at least) brought you to a very beautiful place. I believe you might just fall in love with Washington.... some day. (grin) May the Lord bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and give you peace.

I miss you very much my friend!
Love you.