Saturday, October 10, 2009


We went to Seattle with my family so they could say "we went to Seattle" LOL. We decided to take the kids to the aquarium. It was to say the least an adventure.

View from the "Sky Bridge"

On the waterfront.

These are those fish from Nemo that make all the fun shapes. =)

Isaiah, Elijah and Taylor in the "dome"

Scuba diver feeding the fish. During the presentation they asked the kids what was the biggest animal in the world. Isaiah raised his hand and they called on him and correctly responded the "Blue Whale" I must admit Peter and I were beaming with pride at our smarty pants.

"Papa" and Miguel.



Elijah caught me!!

Isaiah, Elijah, Taylor and Mary riding the whale fin.
Isaiah and his Mom. He's not too big for me yet!

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