For today...Grace upon Grace
Outside my window....dark it's always dark
I am thinking...that Christmas came very fast.
I am thankful beautiful children. Isaiah my constant friend, Elijah the one who makes me laugh and Hannah our little princess.
I am wearing...pj's I wish I had a pair for every day of the week.
I am going...finishing the last bits of shopping and Christmas eve dinner at church.
I am reading...starting the book of Mathew
I am hoping...I allowing the true meaning of Christmas to overflow me with JOY
On my mind...How to comfort Isaiah's sad heart. He misses his friends back home.
From the learning rooms...finishing up a few loose ends, Christmas traditions around the world, but we are on vacation. They have worked so hard and deserve it.
Pondering these will deal with Jesus on this side of eternity or on the other side, BUT "every knee will bow"
From the kitchen....made Christmas bread Saturday and it smelled so good. Today we are going to make more cookies and decorate and bring some plates over to some neighbors.
Listening to...Gia Lucid's " I give you Jesus" beautiful
Around the house..I am not going to talk about it, rather I am going to focus on one thing at a time, and be thankful that I have a house to clean.
One of my favorite boys singing at church yesterday and Isaiah singing a duet. Where does he get his outgoing personality?
From my photo journal:
The boys singing at church. Isaiah is in back with the "09" shirt and Elijah is in the front with the red shirt.
Ohhh those smiles on your header!
Merry Christmas to your family.
Thanks for sharing your daybook. I've enjoyed my visit. Love the header!!
May you and your family have a Christmas filled with many blessings!
P.S. You are invited to drop by my blog on 12/27 and enter my New Year's Giveaway!
Love the dress!
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